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April 25, 2013


Alexander Wilhelmsen

I'm actually pretty shocked by all of these, especially considering that the majority of people are SUPPOSED to be Extroverts, who are supposed to get all jazzed up about meeting and being around people.

I'm not in that majority, but it's crazy.

I'd love to actually be able to figure out truly what all these "outgoing" folks are doing that these numbers are true.

Heck, maybe that's why a ton of people are down these days, they're Extroverts not acting like it. As opposed to little ol' me, who has a darn good time when the wallflower take the stage (sometimes admittedly to make things interesting for the people that don't get it) before retreating to the "Table, Party of One!" and actually okay with that... guests are always invited.

I know I'm a friend in writing, but hopefully a meaningful one as you still are these years later. You're definitely missed.

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