I recently watched the movie The Impossible. It is a powerful film that follows the incredible true story of a family of five swept up in the Thailand Tsunami of 2004. It stars Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor and Tom Holland (whose performance is amazing) as the oldest son in the family. The Tsunami scenes are chilling, overwhelming and devestating. Most of the people describe the tsunami not as a wave but as a wall and you really get that feel in the movie. You sense the helplessness of a family ripped apart by the waves and desperately searching for each other in the midst of chaos.
The scenes with both parents at different points in the movie willing to do anything to get to their children, even when badly hurt themsleves is moving. Relentlessly searching, simply with fragile hope that there is still life. I found my self with tears in my eyes over and over again.
Equally as powerful are the multiple scenes of reunions between people, once thought lost forever and dead but now found.
Reminds me of another story.
One about two sons. One son caught up in a tsunami of selfishness. Destruction.
A story about a broken-hearted Father.Willing to do anything to get to his son.
A Father who would suffer anything for love. A Father wounded deeply.
A story of coming Home. The lost being found. An unexpected reunion. A long embrace. Tears of joy.
A raging party
The words, "Come celebrate for your brother who was once dead is now alive!"
It's our story, It's God's story, it's our story with God and it's beautiful.
It's the Impossible made possible.
It's Grace.